We are strong believers in the benefit of time out in nature for all children and their families - it offers time to reconnect with nature and go on a journey of self-discovery. It offers practical survival skills as well as building those soft skills that are crucial for life such as resilience, self-confidence and empathy. It gives the opportunity for learning through real life experiences and play in a challenging and inspiring environment. If there is one positive opportunity you can offer your child in early life it is the opportunity to discover Nature Club and the fun that is waiting for them there...
what does nature club offer my child?
Hammocks, Tents & Quiet Spaces - A safe space to relax and unwind, listening to the sounds of nature around them and having undisturbed thinking time to watch the leaves move in the wind, the clouds drifting in shapes and to listen to the birds singing in the trees. It offers a mindful connection with the world around them and the opportunity to reflect on their place in the world without any interruptions or demands.
Adventure Play – The opportunity to learn to trust their own limits and assess risks, climb trees, balance along logs or slack lines, swing on rope swings and explore the woodland. Learning to take calculated risks is an essential part of any child’s life experiences so they know their own capabilities and how to keep themselves safe and Forest School offers so many opportunities to do this in a fun and natural way that naturally inspires children to meet the challenge head on
Den Building Skills – using maths and communication skills to build dens of different shapes and sizes for their own roleplay, as animal homes and of course for the wee forest folk… We teach the skills of different knots and different types of shelter using manmade tarps and ropes or simply what the forest floor has to offer us inspiring children to use them for play and practical purposes
Nature Identification – learning about the nature around us from the trees and plants to the animals and minibeasts – exploring features, creating habitats and understanding their properties and uses. The woodlands naturally inspire awe and wonder for their surroundings and a connection with nature is naturally formed through curiosity, exploration and respect for what the woodland offers to them and the wildlife within it
Transitional Art & Nature Crafts – new activities using nature to create art work on the forest floor or using natural resources to create their own nature crafts from flower crowns, to elder threading, charcoal pencils and clay faces or animals of the forest – the woodlands and outdoor environments offer endless resources and opportunities for creativity
Forest Freedom Play – the opportunity to play freely exploring different play provocations within the woodland based on your child’s natural play urges and to create their own play experiences with peers. Children’s play is often at it’s most imaginative in an outdoor environment with no restrictions and the forest school sessions offer ample opportunity for children to explore, create and play freely together. Our mud kitchen is always out for freedom play as a firm favourite with our younger children to mix and measure and create.
Little Forest Friends- keeping the magic alive the little forest friends inspire imagination, teamwork, empathy and friendship – we’re never to old to enjoy a story or believe in magic and our little forest friends bring this in oodles. They live in our woodlands and care for them and love children to play with - take a walk through our woods and see who you spot along the way - our mystical friends like to leave us little gifts and clues to keep us believing!
Fire & Tools - Across our sessions we will offer children the opportunity to make simple items using a range of tools and introduce them to camp fire story telling and simple cooking activities using our forest school safety rules to enable children to use tools and fire safely in a range of situations
Friendship with All - One of the best gifts Nature Club offers every child is a stronger sense of self confidence, self-esteem and independence within their community, forging strong relationships with other children, adults and the world around them. Their love, respect and empathy for everyone grows and develops beautiful friendships as their sense of belonging increases.